Jushi´s expansion plans in the news
For detailed information, please read the article in JEC:
AZL´s new brochure has just arrived
To inform you about the services of the AZL competence network - Excellence in lightweight production, please read our new brochure: frontend/media/files/azl_partnership_broschuere_20.02.2015.pdf
Participate in the AZL event at JEC
In the framework of the joint event "Innovation in composites production technology" between JEC and AZL on March 12th 2015, you have the opportunity to access and share an insight in the diverse compentencies along the entire composites value chain which are represented by the industrial partners of AZL. For further information and registration, please follow the link In the afternoon, you can assist at AZL RWTH´s presentations:
Dr. Michael Effing - article in K-Zeitung
In the current edition of the journal "K-Zeitung", Dr. Michael Effing in his role as Chairman of the board of Composites Germany and AVK, shares his expectations for a successful year 2015. Please read the German article under frontend/media/files/k-zeitung-app_01-2015_branchenbarometer.pdf
AMAC becomes a member of NMWP
AMAC is now a member company of NMWP, the North Rhine-Westphalian cluster for NanoMicroMaterialsPhotonic.NRW. For further information about the cluster´s activities, please continue reading