

Programm of 1st Composites Germany congress is ready

On September 21 and 22, 2015, the 1st International Composites Congress (ICC) will take place in Stuttgart, prior to the Composites Europe Trade Show. Under the title "Composites - on the path to becoming a key technology", various presentations will be held at this exclusive platform. Please have a look at the programm and we are happy to welcome you there. 


AMAC supports cooperation in Advanced Materials

AMAC supports two AZL partners joining forces: Composites market newcomer, Mexico-­ headquartered Katcon Advanced Materials which AMAC represents in Europe for its business development, and German engineering specialist M.TEC. Please read our press release: frontend/media/files/pr-4-partners-english.pdf


Dr. Michael Effing´s portrait in K-Profi

In the current issue of K-Profi, you find a personal portrait about Dr. Michael Effing. Enjoy reading: frontend/media/files/k-profi_2015_3-4_effing.pdf


Jushi´s expansion plans in the news


AZL´s new brochure has just arrived

To inform you about the services of the AZL competence network - Excellence in lightweight production, please read our new brochure: frontend/media/files/azl_partnership_broschuere_20.02.2015.pdf